Thursday, 18 February 2016

Stuart Barnes vs Rob Andrew

A few months after establishing this blog I've finally actually written a post! Wow... This may come out as a bit of a ramble so I apologies...

I've been thinking a bit lately about politics, the cult of the individual and why our political discourse is gradually becoming less tolerant and more polerised.

In the past few months, for example, we've seen the truly disgraceful abuse of politicians over the Syria vote, the rise of Momentum and their apparent intolerance on a whole range of issues, the attitude of the Conservative right over Europe, UKIP, anti-sematism within the left, the rise of Trump and so forth. One only has to look at the comment sections of any newspaper or political forum to see the level of vitrol directed at politicians or, indeed, anyone who disagrees with individuals on certain isses.

Of course this intolerance has always existed and is in no way new. But it's level and sustained nature, as well as the expression it's getting in relatively mainstream institutions, is extremely worrying.

At the heart of it seems to be a lack of empathy and engagement with others arguments. For example the Syria vote was an extremely tough issue and one where there where good arguments on both sides and yet it seems that some where entirely unable to engage with these or accept the validity of any other point of view.

Increasingly the tendency seems to be to stamp our feet and yell when we don't get our way. Those who do listen to other arguments or ideas are dismissed or abused rather than listened to. There is a complete failure to understand others perspectives or to acknowledge the validity of opposing ideas. We no platform or shout down, rather than debate.

This seems to link, to me, with a increasing preference on ideological politicians who match our views rather than pragmatists who actually get things done.

On the Tory side politicians like Bill Cash, Nigel Farage and Peter Bone are celebrated for their grandstanding, thought their actual achievements are virtually nothing, while good, conscientious politicians are blasted for making compromises or for engaging with their opponents. Corbyn is, of course, the ultimate example of this - a man whose been in politics for 40 years whose entire legislative impact is approximately zero - but we see a similar celebration of principles in the love shown for Tony Benn, Michael Foot, George Galloway and the apparent distaste for Tony Blair, Cooper, Frank Field and so forth.

This is why I called this post Stuart Barnes vs Rob Andrew (though the title could easily be Owen Farrell vs Danny Cipriani, Wilkinson vs Hodgeson etc. etc.). As a culture we seem to be increasingly in love with those who 'speak their mind' or 'hold their principles' - individualists in other words - rather than those who actually get things done and who are more conscientious in their behaviour. The ultimate example of this is, of course, the republican presidential race.

I wonder if this is due to the way in which our society now celebrates the individual above all else. Our society is becoming more and more atomised and increasingly we expect to get what we want - with no concern for others feelings or how it affects society as a whole. Politicians can't take this view - they have to work as a collective with hundreds of others to get things done - and thus we celebrate those who reflect our prejudices and reject collaborative working rather than those who sacrifice their views for the greater good. Stuart Barnes rather than Rob Andrew.

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